BILT Trends Summaries

These one-page flyers were developed at the request of member schools in the National Convergence Technology Centers's IT educator community of practice, known as the "CCN" (Convergence College Network), to help support their local high school programs. High school faculty have full schedules and limited free time, so rather than ask them to review several pages of BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) meeting minutes, these shorter "executive summaries" of BILT meeting trends discussions were created. Faculty is therefore kept current on IT industry trends and can leverage these perspectives in the classroom. The ultimate goal is to convince high school IT programs of the value of CCN membership and persuade them to join.
The trends that are covered within the summaries are ChatGPT, online forums like GitHub and Reddit, DevSecOps, lifelong learning for IT professionals, and learning more than one cloud platform.
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