This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from a series of tutorial videos for iCn3D, a web-based three-dimensional visualization and structural analysis platform for molecular structures. This tutorial builds on the previous video in the series: Drug Discovery 2: Using Protein BLAST For Drug Discovery, and employs iCn3D to analyze the results from the protein BLAST search, investigating the likelihood of the protein binding to an inhibitor. Topics covered include:

  • How to identify the inhibitor binding site.
  • How to annotate the alignment to show whether the amino acids that bind the inhibitor are present in both protein sequences.
  • How to determine if there are covalent bonds between the protein and the inhibitor.
  • How to determine if there are hydrogen bonds or salt bridges between the protein and the inhibitor.
  • How to determine if the amino acids that form covalent bonds, salt bridges, or hydrogen bonds are present in my protein.

This video runs 21:38 minutes in length. Additional videos in the series are available to view separately.

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