This resource, provided by the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) center, features information on the 2022 MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) competition and its results. For the 2022 competition, participants of each competition class were challenged to design and build ROVs to complete tasks relating to the three following areas: Marine Renewable Energy, Offshore Aquaculture and Blue Carbon, and The Antarctic Then and Now – Endurance22 and MATE Floats! On the 2022 competition archives web page, users can view the 2022 award winners and information around each competition class, including scoring rubrics, mission tasks and specs, competition manuals, team lists, and more. Additionally, the website contains schedules and documents from the 2022 MATE-ROV event itself.

Additional resources from the 2022 MATE ROV competition are available to view separately.

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