ITSS Summit Workbook

Collection Description:
This collection contains presentation slides and an action plan from the three-day April 2024 ITSS Summit hosted by the IT Skill Standards (ITSS) 2020 and Beyond NSF (National Science Foundation) project grant as a part of its six ITSS Summit workshops. The Summits were designed both to showcase ITSS learning standards products and to teach the process by which those products were developed, allowing attendees to create and use their own employer-led, future-facing technical skill standards. All attendees received hard copies of the presentation slides and an action plan. Each attendee was required to fill out the action plan with a list of concrete goals they intended to pursue at their home school to implement the strategies and best practices learned at the Summit.
Collection Contents:
The collection features three sets of presentation slides, one from each day of the event, and the action plan. After providing an introduction to the summit, the day one slide set primarily focuses on explaining the five ITSS skill standard sets created through employer SMEs (subject matter experts) and introduces the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) process of curriculum development.
The day two slide set provides greater depth on different factors of the BILT model, putting extra emphasis on the KSA (knowledge, skills and abilities) meeting, which aims to create a list of KSA standards. The presentation covers aspects such as the steps of a KSA meeting, preparing for a KSA meeting, conducting a KSA meeting, and creating KSA list. Also discussed is creating student learning outcomes (SLOs), developing key performance indicators (KPIs), recruiting employers for a BILT, and more.
The day three slide set features a review game and an example of a completed action plan.
The action plan provides space to create three three strategies, practices, or tools to use at one's home school. Each strategy includes a section to list who will be involved in the strategy and how the strategy's success will be measured.
Below is a list of the files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
ITSS Summit workbook contents (8 files, 42.6 MB)
- ITSS Summit – Day 1 (Day 1.pdf 6.98 MB)
- ITSS Summit – Day 2 (Day 2.pdf 14.1 MB)
- ITSS Summit – Day 3 (Day 3.pdf 1.67 MB)
- ITSS Summit – Day 1 (ITSS Apr 2024 Day 1 Slides 6.45 MB)
- ITSS Summit – Day 2 (ITSS Apr 2024 Day 2 Slides 11.5 MB)
- ITSS Summit – Day 3 (ITSS Apr 2024 Day 3 Slides 1.71 MB)
- Action Plan (ITSS Summit Action Plan - Seattle 59.6 KB)
- Action Plan (ITSS Summit Action Plan 59.6 KB)
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