Expanding Your Repertoire: A Crash Course in Evaluation Approaches

The webinar, from EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, was designed to help project teams and evaluators discover different evaluation approaches. The presentation explores three evaluation approaches, each providing unique perspectives and strategies for gathering and interpreting data. These approaches include theory-driven evaluation, practical participatory evaluation, and nation to nation evaluation. During the webinar video, viewers will learn to recognize, compare, and select the best approach for their specific projects by considering factors such as client needs, available resources, and the practical aspects that differentiate evaluation from research.
The video runs 54:06 minutes in length. Presentation slides and handout sheets summarizing different evaluation styles discussed in the presentation are included. Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Expanding Your Repertoire Handouts (4 files, 1.31 MB)
- The Garden of Evaluation Approaches: A Multidimensional Mapping of the First Seven Flowers (Garden-of-Evaluation-Preprint-Figure-1.pdf 136 KB)
- Nation to Nation Evaluation [N2NE] (Nation-to-Nation-Evaluation-Handout.pdf 373 KB)
- Practical Participatory Evaluation [P-PE] (Practical-participatory-evaluation-handout.pdf 469 KB)
- Theory-Driven Evaluation [TDE] (Theory-driven-evaluation-handout.pdf 366 KB)
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