J ATE (Volume 3, Issue 2)

This resource, published by Portland Community College, is the second issue of the third volume of J ATE. J ATE is a peer-reviewed technical journal focused on community college faculty and staff who work with technician education. This journal is cross-disciplinary and encompasses all technologies under the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program. Some of these technologies include: Micro Nano, Biotechnology, Autonomous Technology, Cyber Security, Advanced Manufacturing, Earth Sciences, Agriculture Technology, Energy, and Welding. Some topics that cross cut across all disciplines of technician education are also covered. Those topics include: Evaluation, Mentoring, Undergraduate Research, and Applied Technician Research.
The issue spans 218 pages and highlights articles written by students based on their undergraduate research. Included are 21 full articles and a guest letter from Olivia Long, program director for the Division of Undergraduate Education. Listed below is each article and corresponding DOI number in parentheses.
- Polymeric Layer-by-Layer Microcapsules Containing Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles Exposed to Breast Cancer Cells: A Viability Study Using Tetrazolium-based (MTT) and Calcein-AM Assays (LIVE-DEAD) (10.5281/zenodo.12785958)
- Soil is Alive: Biological, Physical, and Chemical Analysis (10.5281/zenodo.13334280)
- The Annotation of the Complete Genome of the Mycobacterium phage Inverness (10.5281/zenodo.12993820)
- Comparison of Cryopreservation Conditions on the Performance of NISTCHO Cells (10.5281/zenodo.13315669)
- From In Vitro to In Vivo (10.5281/zenodo.13294769)
- Predicting Neoantigens for Cancer Using Next-Generation IEDB & CEDAR Tools (10.5281/zenodo.13345145)
- Applying Nextstrain and iCn3D to Modify and Expand an Existing Activity for Undergraduate Students Characterizing Potential Binding of Antibodies to Mutations in the Pathogens Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), or Enterovirus D68 (10.5281/zenodo.13357348)
- Submerged Fermentation of Ganoderma tsugae for the Optimized Production of Exopolysaccharides (10.5281/zenodo.13377110)
- Assessing the Stability of NISTCHO Cells in Long-Term Culture (10.5281/zenodo.13546664)
- Manufacturing and Formulation Development of Lyophilized Crude Taq DNA Polymerase Extract (10.5281/zenodo.13540173)
- Cytokine Expression in HepG2 Cells and the Effects of Budesonide (10.5281/zenodo.13376503)
- From Ground to Air: Developing a Drone Curriculum for Law Enforcement Education (10.5281/zenodo.12734938)
- Community College Partners with Industry to Train Next Generation of Water Operators (10.5281/zenodo.13345336)
- Establishing and Engaging Collaborative Partnerships for Sustainable Technician Training Project Implementation (10.5281/zenodo.13621685)
- Analysis of the Impact of Train-the-Trainer Workshops on Robotics Education (10.5281/zenodo.13621796)
- RCNET’s Girls In STEM: Insights and Recommendations for Future Projects and Community College Programs (10.5281/zenodo.13367864)
- A Workflow for Creating Narration for Voice-Over Presentation Using Commercially Available Artificial Intelligence (10.5281/zenodo.12826249)
- Value-Creation Evaluation Framework for Evaluating NSF Advanced Technological Education Projects (10.5281/zenodo.13367680)
- Exploration of a Bridge Program to Increase Student Understanding of Emerging Technological Fields (10.5281/zenodo.13288819)
- WBL in Two-Year Colleges: What’s in a Name? (10.5281/zenodo.13308886)
- Potential of Tenebrio molitor and Zophobas morio in Plastic Degradation: Mechanisms, Microorganisms, and Enzymes (10.5281/zenodo.13621718)
Other issues of J ATE are available to view separately.
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