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Philosophy -- Educational Philosophy


This page from The Academy for College Excellence (ACE) highlights key points of the project's teaching method. Students take all of their classes in a cohort of approximately 29 students to build a network of support. They begin with an intensive foundation course followed by a bridge semester....
This page from The Academy for College Excellence (ACE) provides information on the project's professional development opportunities. Introductory workshops, community of practice workshops, instructor workshops and mentoring sessions are outlined. Information on workshop availability is also...
This site, from the University of Central Florida (UCF) and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), is a "free, open repository of information, resources, models, and research related to blended learning" for institutions developing blended learning initiatives. The kit...
Screenshot for Heidegger in the Hands-on Science and Technology Center: Philosophical Reflections on Learning in Informal Settings
This paper, by Richard Walton of the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallum University, takes Martin Heidegger's 1954 essay, The Question Concerning Technology, "as its starting point and applies it to a practical problem which is: Can interactive science and technology centers reveal the...
This 6-page article, from Lisa-Angelique Lim Yuen Lie and Emil Cheong, addresses the different approaches to learning adopted by men and women. The paper examines the academic performance of male and female students at the National University of Singapore and analyzes gender differences in learning...
The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning is an open, peer-reviewed, international electronic journal published twice a year by the Center for Excellence in Teaching at Georgia Southern University. This journal is intended to be an international vehicle for articles,...
This newsletter, from the National University of Singapore, contains an article discussing whether men and women learn differently. The author surveyed students on how they felt about goals that "drive one to master a topic and learn it well," encourage them to get good grades, and motivate one to...
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on the learning sciences, a relatively new field with "influences which include cognitive science, computer science, information processing psychology, child development, anthropology, and...
Screenshot for Learning Spaces
This book, edited by Diana G. Oblinger. Space, discusses whether physical or virtual, can have a significant impact on learning. The book includes a table of contents and 43 chapters. Chapters include Space as a Change Agent, Challenging Traditional Assumptions and Rethinking Learning Spaces,...
Screenshot for Performance Assessment Links in Science
This resource, from SRI International, is an on-line, standards-based, resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. The resources are "collected from numerous sources, include student...
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