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Bio and Chemical Technologies -- Chemical and process technologies
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These slides, on Carbon Capture and Storage and Potential CO2 Solutions, were presented on January 21, 2010 as part of the High Tech Workforce Initiative (HTWI). HTWI is part of the Center for Workforce Development and a member of the Division of Academic and Student Affairs at the Maricopa...
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity to illustrate the heat energy that is given off during the oxidation of iron. The class will analyze commercial hand warmers and the chemical reaction that allows them to heat up inside their plastic bags. The...
Module Description:
This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides information on "the general safety rules for facilities and laboratories that use chemicals, and [allows] students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of these rules." This module is...
Module Description:
This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides students "with the information needed to interpret chemical labels and information about specific chemicals provided on NFPA [National Fire Protection Association] diamonds and to demonstrate an...
This animation is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) and shows the dual damascene process. There are many different ways in which the dual damascene process is used. The animation shows an overview of one process:
In the dual damascene process, a low-k dielectric is...
This resource, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is an animation that illustrates the chemical action of slurry in the chemical-mechanical planarization process. The objective of the animation is to explain the mechanical and chemical steps in the CMP process. An...
From Teach-nology, an organization developed to provide "individuals ... access to free on-line resources that support classroom instruction," comes this page of lesson plans related to chemistry. Lesson plans provided include Atoms and Chemical Bonding, Chemists with Character, Lab Safety,...
This collection, provided by the project Collaborative Research: Enhancing Hands-on Interactive Learning in Process Technology Programs with New Low-Cost Miniature Industrial Equipment, contains promotional materials. It includes posters presented at the 2017 HI-TECH Conference in Salt Lake City,...
This 2-page syllabus includes information on the Introduction to Corrosion course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course provides an "introduction to internal, external, and atmospheric corrosion including terminology, causes of common corrosion problems in industry, and...
This 2-page syllabus includes information about the Cathodic Protection course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course offers "... an in-depth study of corrosion control of buried or submerged metallic structures utilizing both impressed and galvanic cathodic protection...
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