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Bio and Chemical Technologies -- Chemical and process technologies


Screenshot for MIT Digital Chemistry Lab Techniques Manual
The "Digital Lab Techniques Manual" is a series of videos designed to help students prepare for chemistry laboratory classes. Each video provides a detailed demonstration of a common laboratory technique. These videos provide a good supplement for teaching chemistry laboratory. Students can view the...
Screenshot for Molecular Workbench
Molecular Workbench (MW) is free, open-source software that works to improve the ability of all students to understand fundamental biological phenomena in terms of the interactions of atoms and molecules by enhancing biology courses with guided explorations of powerful atomic and molecular...
Screenshot for PH Studies Activity
This 2-page learning activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), asks students to perform chemical analysis on different substances (common items like shampoo, vinegar and baking soda can be used) according to standard procedural methods. Information on learning...
This video segment, adapted from ATETV, looks at the Process Technology program at the College of the Mainland and what students will learn in order to succeed in industry. The video explains how the community college accommodates the busy lives of adult non-traditional students while still giving...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn about process technology and the career of a process technician, also known as a process operator. Process technology is what turns chemicals into products, from oil and gas to cosmetics and rubber soles for shoes. The process technician keeps...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, observe how Sandra Garcia is studying to be a process technician, and learn about the field of process technology. Sandra explains how her love of science brought her to community college after years away from school and how she's looking forward to...
In this video excerpted from Pathways to Technology, learn about process technology and career opportunities in this field. Process refers to the steps that chemicals go through to become products, like gasoline or medicine. Process technology is used in just about every manufacturing industry, from...
This animated game, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), tests a user's knowledge of oxidation. Topics include semiconductor oxidation, linear parabolic model, factors that affect oxidation, oxidation techniques, and inspection. The game is Jeopardy style and users can...
Screenshot for Radio Frequency Energy Simulation
This animation, created by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is a simulation of AC power that is used to create Radio Frequency (RF) plasma. RF plasma also exhibits glow regions, dark spaces, and sheaths. The objective of this simulation is to explain the relationship between...
Screenshot for Romance and Russian Roulette
This 4-page learning activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), demonstrates how epidemics are spread and the importance of condom use for preventing the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The activity is intended for high school or community...
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