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General Advanced Technological Education

ATE AreaClassifications
Evaluation (166)
Learning research (196)
Recruitment (88)
Teacher preparation (49)


These slides are from a presentation given by Melinda Mechur Karp at the Symposium on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Education, Training, and Certification Pathways. This presentation discusses the issues surrounding avenues for producing skilled technical workers. The main slide topics of...
Screenshot for Community Colleges, Industry Leaders Prepare Students
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, industry partnerships, process technology and simulation and game development are discussed. From oil refining to video game design and everywhere in between, community...
This 2-page resource, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance (CCTA), is a community of practice best practices guide. CCTA offers a series of National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education best practice guides. CCTA comprises five NSF ATE centers. CCTA was formed "...
This 33-page paper, written by Robert G. Sheets and Jason A. Tyszko, discusses increased innovation competition for United States businesses and workers. This paper addresses the growing importance of innovation in global competitiveness, defines innovation and explores major types, provides an...
These slides are from a presentation given by Robert G. Sheets and Jason A. Tyszko at the Symposium on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Education, Training, and Certification Pathways. This presentation discusses innovation work and talent. Topics of the presentation include: Competing on...
These presentation slides, provided by the New England Board of Higher Education, discuss concept mapping. "Concept mapping is a technique for visualizing the relationships among different concepts." This resource includes a detailed definition of a concept map, an example map, directions on how to...
Screenshot for Conceptual Framework for Teaching Continental-Scale Ecology
This webpage, created by the Ecological Society of America, details a framework for using continental-scale data in undergraduate ecology teaching and learning. An understanding of external drivers, ecological responses, human behaviors, and the "mediating interactions between external drivers and...
This page provides an overview of a longitudinal research study conducted by the Connecticut Pathways to Innovation 21 project. The question to be studied is "Do high school students who participate in the Academy demonstrate a greater interest in and college career readiness in STEM areas than...
Screenshot for Contextualized Intermediate Algebra
Description: This collection of curriculum, from Norwalk Community College, includes a set of activities and application problems for intermediate algebra classes. These materials are intended to promote STEM majors and careers for students, especially to women in the course. The idea behind this...
Collection Description This collection of flyers is provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) and was created to provide information about the CTC and the Convergence College Network (CCN). "The Convergence College Network (CCN) is a select cohort of community colleges and...
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