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General Advanced Technological Education
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These slides are from a presentation given by Dale Allen during the Role of New Technologies in Career Technical Education session at the 3rd Committee Meeting on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs. Slide topics include Disruption and Opportunity: The Landscape Has Changed, The Challenge: The...
This 259-page report, provided by the National Academy of Sciences, discusses the results from a study done by the Committee on the Supply Chain for Middle Skilled Jobs. This committee was formed "to examine the coverage, effectiveness, flexibility, and coordination of the policies and various...
This 34-page paper, written by Andrea Messing-Mathie, discusses apprenticeship systems for middle-skill workers. The following topics are discussed: youth unemployment and the challenge of skills shortage, existing apprenticeship systems and different innovative approaches, and the potential for...
This webinar, from the HSI ATE HUB, provides "guidance, strategies, and interventions for faculty and administrators in CTE and STEM to foster an equitable learning environment" and employ a culturally responsive instruction model. In the video, the Educators' Equity in STEM (EESTEM) II project and...
This is an unnumbered episode of the CCPI-Cast webinar series from Prince George's Community College. The webinar features a panel discussion between three administrators of rural community colleges. Each panelist talks about their community college, applying for National Science Foundation (NSF)...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV focuses on "some of the many ways students can build their resume while still in school and graduate ready to enter a high-paying, high-demand job of the future." The episode can...
This 7-page research brief, published by the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, describes how Wisconsin's technical colleges responded and adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic. The brief begins with an introduction to the Crisis as Catalyst for Change and Innovation (CCCI) project and provides a...
These slides are from a presentation given by George Zangora at the Symposium on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Education, Training, and Certification Pathways. This presentation provides information on the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) and Health Resources and Services Administration...
This 6-page Advisory Board Case Study, provided by Internet Scout Research Group, is part of the Working Partners Toolkit. This toolkit was designed to help educators strengthen their relationship with industry and includes six case studies. The case studies are gathered from successfully initiated...
In this video, published by the Clemson University Center for Workforce Development, Hope Rivers discusses the South Carolina (SC) Technical College system and career pathways. During the webinar, Rivers discusses the SC Technical Association, including student priorities and impact, academic...
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