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General Advanced Technological Education -- Evaluation


This report, part one of two, contains a description of the study methodology from Findings from the Targeted Research Grant: Assessing the Impact and Sustainability of the Advanced Technological Education Program (NSF Grant Number 0832874). "The purpose of this research is to assess the...
This report from Wayne Welch, produced as part of the DECA project, looks at the impact of the Advanced Technological Education Program. As the paper states: "The purpose of this research was to assess the impact (effect or influence) of Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grants. Report 1 was a...
Screenshot for Resource Library
This page, from EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, offers resources for those incorporating evaluation into proposals for ATE projects and centers. PIs will find links to aid them with this piece of the proposal process, including a template, checklist, and...
This checklist, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, was developed to assist principal investigators in writing the project proposal section "From Prior NSF Support." This section must be included in a proposal if principal investigators or...
Screenshot for Right-sizing Evaluation for ATE Small Grants
This webinar, developed by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses evaluation plans for small-budget grant proposals. During the webinar, staff from EvaluATE and Mentor-Connect Project "provide information on approaches and strategies to plan and...
Screenshot for Small Project Evaluation: Principles and Practices
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses principles and practices of small project evaluation. The webinar reviews foundational principles of small project evaluation and discusses strategies for putting these principles into...
Screenshot for Small-Scale Evaluation
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses the basics of small-scale evaluation, using an ATE small project as an example. The webinar is divided into the following three sections: Small-scale Evaluation Basics, Evaluation Scale:...
Screenshot for Stakeholders to be Involved in the Evaluation of PD
This form can be used by evaluators to assess professional development (PD) programs for educators. This resource is part of the Professional Development Formative Assessment System (PD-FAS). PD-FAS was created by the Formative Assessment for Advanced Technician Education 2 (FAS4ATE2) project. The...
Screenshot for Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals
This webinar and accompanying informational packet, published by EvaluATE, provide information about evaluation plans for National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant programs. In the webinar, presenters discuss the essential elements of an evaluation plan and how...
These resources, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, include information about evaluation reporting. Resources include presentation slides and a 6-page checklist. The slides were presented at the ATE Primary Investigators Conference in October 2017....
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