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General Advanced Technological Education -- Evaluation


Screenshot for Give Your Proposal A Competitive Edge with a Great Evaluation Plan
Description: This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes a webinar recording and related material that discusses elements of a successful evaluation plan in a grant proposal. This webinar "explain[s] the essential elements of an...
Screenshot for Guide to Logic Models
This 6-page guide, published by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, provides an "overview of logic model components to assist National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program grant seekers and grantees in developing logic models for...
Screenshot for High-Impact, Low-Cost Evaluation for Small Projects
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses high-impact and low cost evaluation for small projects. For this webinar, EvaluATE and Mentor-Connect teamed up to provide guidance on evaluation to current and prospective recipients of...
Screenshot for How to Avoid Common Pitfalls When Writing Evaluation Plans for ATE Proposals
This webinar, published byWestern Michigan University Evaluation Center, explores mistakes made in evaluation plans and how to fix such issues. In the video, Lyssa W. Becho begins with an overview of evaluation and why it is important to include evaluation in a proposal. Next, Becho explores...
Screenshot for How Well are We Serving our Female Students in STEM?
This webinar recording and slides, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses evaluation tools needed to measure enrollment and retention of women in STEM programs. The webinar covers the following topics: why gathering gender data is critical,...
Screenshot for ICTStudy YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel from the Information and Communications Technologies Center evaluates the "effectiveness of both traditional and new media approaches in material dissemination methodology among ATE Centers & Projects nationwide." This channel presents the videos resulting from the project thus...
Screenshot for Identification of Quality Characteristics for Technology Education Programs: A North Carolina Case Study
This paper, by Aaron C. Clark and Robert E. Wenig, faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in the College of Education and Psychology at North Carolina State University, presents a case study on the identification of quality characteristics for technology...
This 1-page resource, created by Lori Wingate of EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, is intended to assist users in identifying different groups of stakeholders in an evaluation. The worksheet helps identify stakeholders from four aspects of evaluation,...
Screenshot for Impact Evaluation: Why, What, and How
This webinar, published by Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, introduces impact evaluation and how it can be implemented in ATE projects. Presented by Lyssa W. Becho and Michael Lesiecki, the video covers the basic tenets of impact evaluation, strategies for determining casual...
This research briefing paper from Wayne Welch and Liesel Ritchie, produced as part of the DECA project, takes a look at the sustainability of NSF's Advanced Technological Education Program. This report summarizes the research done via a peer-generated Likert survey of current and past Principal...
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