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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research


This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on the learning sciences, a relatively new field with "influences which include cognitive science, computer science, information processing psychology, child development, anthropology, and...
Screenshot for Learning Spaces
This book, edited by Diana G. Oblinger. Space, discusses whether physical or virtual, can have a significant impact on learning. The book includes a table of contents and 43 chapters. Chapters include Space as a Change Agent, Challenging Traditional Assumptions and Rethinking Learning Spaces,...
Screenshot for Learning Style and Laboratory Preference: A Study of Middle School Technology Education Teachers in Virginia
This paper, by Phillip A. Reed, Resource Teacher for the Industrial and Technology Education Programs in Prevard County, Florida, explores middle school laboratory instruction in technology education. A literature review is presented, as well as the purpose of the study, as well as procedures, and...
This 6-page paper, written by Alice M. Agogino and Sherry Hsi, describes the use of multimedia courseware to help student learning and accommodate learning style differences. The courseware was originally aimed at improving the retention of underrepresented minority engineers but has been further...
Screenshot for Learning Style-Based Innovations to Improve Retention of Female Engineering Students in the Synthesis Coalition
This paper from Alice M. Agogino and Sherry Hsi "describes the use of integrative multimedia courseware designed to scaffold student learning and accommodate learning style differences." The Synthesis Coalition's retention programs are discussed, as well as gender differences in spatial reasoning...
This slide deck was presented on October 26, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences workshop on the role of digital tutors. This workshop, entitled "The Role of Digital Tutors," "describe[s] the evidence on the efficacy of Digital Tutors, exploring our current knowledge about the...
Screenshot for Longitudinal Study Of Engineering Student Performance And Retention IV: Instructional Methods And Student Responses To Them
This paper, from Richard M. Felder of the Department of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University, covers an ongoing longitudinal study of instructional methods and student outcomes. Felder gives a break-down of each aspect of the experimental course and a lengthy discussion of student...
This 10-page paper from Jason A. Finkelstein of Bronx Community College discusses the college's Coordinated Freshman Program, which was designed to improve retention of at-risk students. This paper focuses on the retention strategies that worked well for Bronx Community College. Successful...
This presentation and accompanying paper by Nathan Kuncel was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. Kuncel discusses definitions and examples of critical thinking skills and these questions: 1) What are 21st century cognitive skills? To what extent do they...
Screenshot for Measuring how a college education lays the foundation for
This article from authors Louise Yarnall, Larry Gallagher and Geneva Haertel examines the idea of how a college education can improve individuals' capacity to grasp the "big ideas" of different disciplines. The authors introduce the concept of an "evidence-centered assessment design" or ECD. This...
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