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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research


Screenshot for PBCL: Teamwork
This video from the WGBH Educational Foundation is part of a series of videos that explore Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL). In this video, students in an IT class and their instructor talk about teamwork. The students discuss how team projects teach them to communicate and to learn from one...
Screenshot for PBCL: Thinking About Evaluation
This video from the WGBH Educational Foundation is part of a series of videos that explore Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL). In this video, instructors and a learning scientist discuss ways to evaluate student work in PBCL. One challenge for education is to find a way to evaluate that does not...
Screenshot for PBCL: Why It Works
This video from the WGBH Educational Foundation is part of a series of videos that explore Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL). In this video, practitioners and developers of Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL) explain how the PBCL approach helps students take a hands-on approach to learning and apply...
This webpage, created by Pamela Redmond for Teaching and Learning Interchange, provides video case studies and resources for instructors who teach math and science.  The video cases "demonstrate lessons from real general science, biology, chemistry, physics, algebra and geometry classrooms at the...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, natural resource technology instructors at a community college discuss fitting their courses together. The instructors say that clarifying and communicating outcomes helps them plan courses. They can reinforce skills taught across the...
Screenshot for Planning Role Model Visits and Field Trips to Inspire Girls in Technology, Science and Engineering
This archived webinar from Linda Kekelis and Jeri Countryman of Techbridge presented "practical strategies and resources that will help teachers, Girl Scout Leaders and after-school program providers to conduct outreach." The main goal of the Techbridge program is to "encourage girls in technology,...
This 6-page paper, written by Jing Feng, Ian Spence, and Jay Pratt, discusses gender differences in spatial cognition. Two spatial reasoning experiments are described in the paper. The research team "found that playing an action video game can virtually eliminate this gender difference in spatial...
Screenshot for Practice Meets Theory in Technology Education: A Case of Authentic Learning in the High School Setting
This paper, from Ann Marie Hill and Howard A. Smith, of the Faculty of Education at Queen's University, explores successful programs of technology education at the secondary level, and compares them to attributes in current research theories. Research questions, methods, and results are discussed. 
Screenshot for Problem Solving in Technology Education: A Taoist Perspective
This paper from Jim Flowers, Assistant Professor in the Department of Industry and Technology at Ball State University, covers problem solving in technology education, and how it can be improved by using a Taoist philosophical approach. Flowers presents a background of both problem solving in...
This 20-page whitepaper, from the National Center for Supply Chain Automation, outlines the advantages of project-based learning and universal design in learning in two sections. Each pedagogical method is explored in depth and includes detailed guidance for applying the methods in the...
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