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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research


A cross-sectional survey of 798 high school science students showed that although female students may respond better to a female teacher’s classroom management, build reciprocal trust more with female teachers, and be more open to the pressure to learn from female teachers, in most instances the...
This 36-page paper, provided by the Maui Economic Development Board, describes the Women in Technology Project's efforts to increase the participation of women in the science, engineering, and technology workforce. One such effort was a survey of all junior and senior students at the Maui County...
This paper and accompanying presentation, by Eric M. Anderman, was given for the National Research Council Board on Testing and Assessment’s Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, Irvine, California, January 12-13, 2011. In it, Anderman critically examine how 21st century skills can be...
This 3-page paper, provided by the American Society for Engineering Education, describes the Women in Applied Science and Engineering (WISE) Summer Bridge Program at Arizona State University. The program is designed to prepare incoming female students for the transition from high school to the...
Screenshot for TWiCE Undergraduate Experience in Research and Community Service
This 5-page article discusses the The Women in Computer Engineering (TWiCE) project. This project has proved effective in the retention of women in an undergraduate computer science engineering program. Members of TWiCE apply their developing knowledge to community service and serve as role models...
This paper, commissioned by the 2011 summit on Community Colleges in the Evolving STEM Education Landscape, discusses the ways two-year mathematics curriculum must improve to prepare students effectively for STEM careers with four core recommendations: 1) Take a P-20 approach to reforming the entire...
Screenshot for Understanding POUR - The Basics of Universal Design for Learning
This webinar, made available by Internet Scout Research Group, features Rachel Bower and Luis Perez discussing how educators can increase the accessibility of high quality materials for learners with disabilities. Objectives for the webinar include: Explain what is meant by "accessible" and...
This presentation by Steven Wise of the Northwest Evaluation Association was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. In it, Wise discusses practical measurement issues in assessing 21st century skills including reliability and validity, item/task complexity,...
Screenshot for Upgrading Technology Towards the Status of a High School Matriculation Subject: A Case Study
This paper, from Igor M. Verner, Shlomo Waks, and Eli Kolberg of The Department of Education in Technology & Science at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, presents a case study that explores possible approaches to designing and implementing an advanced technology course in high school in...
Screenshot for Use of the SC ATE Technology Gateway Curriculum for Dropout Prevention
This paper looks at White County High School as an example of how schools may use the SC ATE technology gateway curriculum for dropout prevention. The author illustrates how implementation of ATE curriculum in high schools may help to reduce the dropout rate. The document may be downloaded in PDF...
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