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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research
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This 8-page paper, from Afonso Celso Medina, Helena B.P. Gerson and Sheryl A. Sorby, discusses gender differences in respect to the 3-D visualization skills of engineering students. These skills are described as being "critically important for success in engineering careers." The paper looks at...
This webinar is provided by the American Association of Community Colleges and Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative and was presented on September 28, 2017. The webinar was "designed to profile undergraduate research as a high impact practice that community colleges are engaging in as...
This site, from Hitachi High Technologies America, focuses on the company's initiative to expand STEM education in classrooms. The site includes information about the project and Hitachi classroom visits, a calendar of STEM education events, and resources for educators, including papers and lesson...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, instructors from different disciplines fit content from their disciplines into one integrated project that simulates a real-world problem. The instructors—from physics, technology, math, and communications disciplines—discuss the project...
This presentation by Paul Sackett of the University of Minnesota was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. In it, Sackett discusses integrity tests, both personality-based and conditional reasoning varieties, counterproductive work behavior (CWB), what the...
This presentation by Joachim Funke of the University of Heidelberg was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011, and it covers the unique characteristics of problem solving in the 21st century: complexity, intratransparency, dynamics, and goal conflicts. Funke...
The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning is an open, peer-reviewed, international electronic journal published twice a year by the Center for Excellence in Teaching at Georgia Southern University. This journal is intended to be an international vehicle for articles,...
This presentation and accompanying paper was prepared for the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. This presentation from three members of the University of Central Florida's Cognitive Science Department focuses on defining interpersonal skills, why they are...
This video from Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work introduces a framework for a cross-disciplinary STEM core. In the video, Ann Claire Anderson highlights the project's team, project goals, changes in the technician workforce in Industry 4.0, and the role technology plays in these changes....
This presentation was given by three Cisco representatives for the National Research Council Board on Testing and Assessment’s Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, Irvine, California, January 12-13, 2011. In it, the presenters discuss their background and present some examples of intrusive...
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