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Screenshot for Bemidji State University
This video, from the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, features interviews with faculty and alumni of the Department of Technology, Art & Design at Bemidji State University. In the testimonials, the members of the department discuss topics such as department mission and...
Screenshot for Best Practices for Recruiting, Retaining, and Completing Underserved Students
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was as part of a special webinar to the Convergence College Network (CCN) community of practice, and covers several successful case studies and best practices related to recruiting, retaining, and completing underserved...
Screenshot for BILT Versus Traditional Advisory Councils
This video, from the National Convergence Technology Center, is a part of the BILT Spotlight series that showcases essential elements of the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) Model, which helps educators energize their relationship with employers and better align curriculum with workforce...
This webinar was presented on April 1, 2016 as part of the Bio-Link webinar series. The presenters were Elaine Johnson, PhD, of BioLink; Jeannette Mowry, PhD, of Madison College; Sandra Porter, PhD, of Digital World Biology, LLC; and Sulatha Dwarakanath, PhD, of Austin Community College. In the...
This video and promotional flyer highlight the Biotech Exhibition held on December 14, 2017. The STEM program at Los Angeles Mission College hosted this event and featured work from the school's first Biotechnology class. Presentations were given on the following topics: Producing Electricity from...
This webinar recording, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), features Drs. Eva Toth and Michael Lesiecki discussing how institutions can utilize blended learning approaches to support student success. The presenters lay out the following objectives: Develop...
Screenshot for Blue Collar AI
This webinar, published by the Convergence Technology Center, looks at the role two-year programs can play in preparing students for data science technician careers in the context of artificial intelligence. The presentation explores communities of practice and business applications for AI. Career...
Screenshot for Blueprint Simulation Demo Video - Compressor Motor
This video recording, from Excelsior College, takes users through a blueprint simulation. The simulation involves "an electrician troubleshoot[ing] a defective compressor motor that will not start." Appropriate blueprints are selected "that must be referred to while performing the troubleshooting...
Screenshot for Blueprint Simulation Demo Video - Water Pump
This video recording, from Excelsior College, takes users through a blueprint simulation. The simulation involves "an electrician troubleshoot[ing] a defective water pump that will not start." Appropriate blueprints are selected "that must be referred to while performing the troubleshooting steps."...
Screenshot for Bourdon Tube Gauge
This animation, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), shows how a Bourdon Tube Gauge measures a vacuum. An .mp4 file is also available for viewing and runs 00:00:32 in length. 
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