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Elementary School -- Upper Elementary
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Published in the American Educator, this is a resource paper on the impact of spatial thinking and literacy on American K-12 education. It includes four spatial thinking tests which were used in the project talent study discussed in the article.
This archived webinar from Linda Kekelis and Jeri Countryman of Techbridge presented "practical strategies and resources that will help teachers, Girl Scout Leaders and after-school program providers to conduct outreach." The main goal of the Techbridge program is to "encourage girls in technology,...
This best practices guide from FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence, offers strategies for engaging and retaining girls in STEM education from elementary school all the way through entry into the workforce. The 28 page guide begins by describing the challenges and...
This webinar, made available by Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, provides information on recruiting female students into STEM programs as well as increasing female students' interest in STEM fields. Presenters of the webinar include practitioners and educators from...
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides three presentations that explore research on building student and teacher capacity. In the first presentation, Bob Coulter highlights the GeoData Talks, which aim to build data literacy. Examples of data literacy are provided. In the second...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, introduces elementary students to the concept of using tools to gather information about the world around them. This provides a useful skill foundation for students as they continue into middle and high school and...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, covers the general concept of scale by demonstrating factors of ten. The activity "facilitates the introduction and reinforcement of the metric scale and paves the way to the discussion of lengths that are smaller than...
This site features science fair projects that can be done by K-12 students. The projects are divided into simple, medium and advanced knowledge levels. Projects include ultra-simple electric generator, quick and simple telescope, supermagnet bead tricks, sticky electrostatics, drawing holograms by...
The Science Education Resource Center (SERC), an office of Carleton College, works to improve earth science education through projects that support educators. The office has special expertise in effective pedagogies, geoscience education, community organization, workshop leadership, digital...
Module Description:
This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and includes an activity for students to learn about and practice the scientific method. During the activity students will use cellophane fish to test various hypotheses about why and how the fish...
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