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Middle School -- Grade 7


Screenshot for Marcellus Shale: Natural Gas Energy
This webpage from the EFMR Monitoring Group provides information on the extraction of natural gas from Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale formation. Users may read a brief overview of the extraction efforts and the environmental concerns involved. A lesson plan and resource guide is available for...
Screenshot for Mariners' Museum
Located in Newport News, Virginia, the Mariners' Museum is one of the largest international maritime history museums filled to the crow's nest with prized artifacts that celebrate the spirit of seafaring adventure. Site features eight online exhibitions including: The Age of Exploration, the USS...
These two documents are related to the Maritime Careers Game, an activity designed to introduce middle school students to careers in the maritime and transportation industry. This activity was created by Amanda Snyder, a school counselor and 2015 SMART Maritime and Transportation Institute Alumni....
This Multimedia Literacy webinar, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) was presented by Sarah Armstrong on June 16, 2011. Armstrong posits that, at present, we all suffer from TMI (too much information); as such, educators must help students sort through what they see...
Screenshot for MATE ROV Competition 2021: In-Person Ranger Class - Manual
This 82-page manual, from the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, was provided to those competing in the Ranger Class at the MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) 2021 competition. This competition is intended to help individuals develop a mindset for innovation and collaboration. The...
Screenshot for MATE ROV Competition 2021: Navigator Class Manual
This 61-page manual, from the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, was provided to those competing in the Navigator Class at the MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) 2021 Competition. This annual competition is divided into the following classes: Explorer, Ranger, Navigator, and Scout. These...
Screenshot for MATE ROV Competition 2021: Scout Class - Manual
This 61-page manual, from the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, was provided to those competing in the Navigator Class at the MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) 2021 Competition. This annual competition is divided into the following classes: Explorer, Ranger, Navigator, and Scout. These...
Screenshot for MATE ROV Competition 2022: Ranger Class Manual
This 75-page manual, from the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, was provided to those competing in the Ranger Class at the MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) 2022 competition. Every year, the "competition challenges students to build a ROV to tackle tasks based on the real world." The...
Screenshot for MATE ROV Competition 2024: Navigator Class Manual
This 66-page manual, from the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, was provided to those competing in the Navigator Class at the MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) 2024 competition. Every year, the "competition challenges students to build a ROV to tackle tasks based on the real world."...
Screenshot for MATE ROV Competition: 2021 Competition Archives
This resource, provided by the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) center, features information on the 2021 MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) competition and its results. For the 2021 competition, participants were tasked with "... design[ing] and build[ing] a remotely operated vehicle...
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