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Middle School -- Grade 8


In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, you’ll learn about the wide range of jobs that are available to someone with a degree in information technology, or IT. Kennedy Symekher is studying technical and networking support in community college. He attends interviews at Microsoft and...
This Tech and Learning article provides information on "flipping the classroom" and the flipped classroom model. The benefits of this teaching model are discussed. Tips on making a one-take video are also included here.
Screenshot for Inquiry Strategies for the Journey North Teacher
This website provides science related lesson plans and discussion questions for an inquiry-oriented classroom. "In an inquiry-oriented classroom, the teacher is a co-explorer and guide who cultivates curiosity and challenges students to think and act like scientists as they explore intriguing...
Screenshot for Inspire STEM Education
This site, from Hitachi High Technologies America, focuses on the company's initiative to expand STEM education in classrooms. The site includes information about the project and Hitachi classroom visits, a calendar of STEM education events, and resources for educators, including papers and lesson...
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has developed several lesson plans as part of the Teacher In-Service Program for use by engineers and teachers. Each lesson plan is tied to education standards and includes teacher summaries, student worksheets, and activities. Lesson plans in this...
These ten lessons on various navigation topics from the Institute of Navigation include an introduction to navigation, latitude and longitude, map reading, dead reckoning and celestial navigation, trigonometry applications, the effects of errors in navigation, using topographical maps,...
This instruction resources page from the Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Working Group at Lehigh University accompanies their Energy curriculum, which focuses on the world's energy resources. It includes links to spreadsheets, My World GIS Files, Google Earth KML files, videos, supplemental...
Screenshot for Integrating Science into Design Technology Projects: Using a Standard Model in the Design Process
This paper, by Bernard Zubrowski, with the Education Development Center, Inc., covers the integration of technology into elementary and middle school science education. Design engineering, as an approach, is discussed, as well as an example pedagogical model using an exercise in model windmills. 
This web site offers a variety of resources for learning about technology. Sections include: K-12 Education Resources, Maker Resources for Educators, Higher Education, Intel Education Accelerator, and Intel Technology Provider. Information is also included for Creating Successful Learning...
Screenshot for Intel Education Initiative: Free Teaching Tools and Resources
This site offers free technology, math, science, and language arts resources for K-12 educators with a special emphasis on project-based collaborative student-centered learning. Intel's 21st century teaching and learning resources are designed to facilitate critical thinking skills, and promote fun...
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