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Middle School -- Grade 8


The objective of this learning activity is to "create an awareness of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and how their use in future applications within the field of nanotechnology can benefit our society." This will be achieved through the use of hands-on models that explore bonding and molecular geometry....
Description: This collection of resources, made available by Riverside Community College, provides information about education for and careers in the Supply Chain Technician field. Included in the collection is a section of resources designed for middle school students, and a section of resources...
Screenshot for Celebrating Manufacturing Day All Year Round
This webinar from the Flordia Advanced Technological Education Center (FLATE) highlights manufacturing day, which "was created to spread the word about modern manufacturing careers by encouraging companies and educators around the nation to plan events that introduce these careers to students,...
Screenshot for Chemistry Teach-nology: The Web Portal for Educators
From Teach-nology, an organization developed to provide "individuals ... access to free on-line resources that support classroom instruction," comes this page of lesson plans related to chemistry. Lesson plans provided include Atoms and Chemical Bonding, Chemists with Character, Lab Safety,...
Lesson Description: This collection from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center includes two lessons intended to help students better understand the "general properties of melting points and emulsions." The first activity, intended for middle or high school students, asks...
This activity for middle school students from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FL-ATE) Center teaches students about melting points and emulsions while learning to make their own chocolate. This page includes two lesson plans: Create your own chocolate and Which type of chocolate melts...
Screenshot for Clean Energy Challenge - It's Electric
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics activity designed for eighth graders. In this activity, "students use a simulation to develop a procedure and collect data regarding the number of houses powered by a solar thermal power plant under different...
Screenshot for Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education
This document is a code of best practices that helps educators using media literacy concepts and techniques to interpret the copyright doctrine of fair use. Fair use is the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances especially when the cultural or social...
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on collaborative learning and its use and benefits in the classroom. The overview section specifically addresses the use of technology to promote collaborative learning among students, including "the...
Screenshot for Collective Inquiry and Knowledge Building
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on technology designs for collective inquiry and their application in the classroom in order to help students "participate in a classroom community that builds knowledge and develops shared...
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