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Middle School -- Grade 8


This 17-page paper, provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology, addresses the utilization of Think Aloud Interviews (TAIs) as an assessment in the Engineering Design Process (EDP). The Engineering Design Process "frames... [the] curriculum" for an NSF funded partnership between the Georgia...
Screenshot for Discovery Robotics : Technical Report
This 25-page report, from Grove Academy, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Discovery Robotics team for the Ranger Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM students to build...
Screenshot for DRONETECH Geospatial Applications Session 1.1
This is the first video session in the DroneTech Educator Workshop: Drones and Geospatial Applications series provided by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies. In this presentation, Ben Richason introduces the workshop series, and its objective to develop practical application of drone...
Screenshot for DRONETECH Geospatial Applications Session 1.2
This video presentation is from the DroneTech Educator Workshop: Drones and Geospatial Applications series provided by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies. In this presentation, Ben Richason discusses the different types of unmanned aerial system (UAS) analyses, including reconnaissance,...
Screenshot for DRONETECH Geospatial Applications Session 2.1
This video recording is from the DroneTech Educator Workshop: Drones and Geospatial Applications series provided by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies. During this presentation, Ben Richason discusses lesson plan design to incorporate drone and geospatial applications into the...
Screenshot for DRONETECH Geospatial Applications Session 2.2
This video recording is from the DroneTech Educator Workshop: Drones and Geospatial Applications series provided by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies. Ben Richason shares lesson plan examples that illustrate applications of drone and geospatial technologies in secondary and...
This Genesis learning science module, provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, teaches students about the requirements and conditions of working in a cleanroom environment. Intended for middle school learners, grades 5-8, this module is broken up into six...
Screenshot for Eagle Rays: Technical Report
This 20-page report, from the American International School in Ridyah, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Eagle Rays team for the Ranger Class of the 2023 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
Screenshot for Earthquakes for Kids
This page, from the United States Geological Survey, introduces the topic of earthquakes to younger students. Aimed at Elementary- and Middle School-aged learners, this site features resources such as Latest Quakes, Learning Links & Earthquake Activities, Animations, Earthquake Pictures, Ask a...
Screenshot for Earthworm Information
This University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program provides several links to articles on earthworms. These describe the earthworm's importance to ecosystems and agriculture. There is also a section with species profiles of various types of earthworms.
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