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Screenshot for DroneTech Educator Workshop 2020 - Stem Drones Take Flight
This collection includes materials from the DroneTech Virtual Educator Workshop: STEM Drones Take Flight that was held by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT). The workshop was intended to be an introduction to drones and how they can be incorporated into educational programs. The...
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses research on webinars, social media, and website evaluation practices. Webinar objectives include: know what to look for when evaluating the quality of a webinar, understand how to assess...
Screenshot for Earn-and-Learn: Work-Based Learning Program Replication Guide for Information Technology
This 20-page guide, created by Columbus State Community College, provides instruction for establishing apprenticeship programs modeled after Columbus State's IT Flexible Apprenticeship (ITFA) program. The ITFA program is designed to provide a direct, accessible, and affordable pathway to the IT...
Screenshot for Eastern Edge Robotics: Technical Report
This 22-page report, published by Memorial University of Newfoundland, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Eastern Edge Robotics team for the Explorer Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that...
Screenshot for Educate the Employer
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is from the ACE It! series on acing conversations with potential employers by knowing how to advocate for students, inform the employer how to effectively communicate with employees with disabilities, and educate the...
Screenshot for Educator Toolkit
This 2-page toolkit includes information about the teaching resources offered by the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence. These resource provide information about manufacturing career opportunities. The following resources are covered: Youth Outreach Toolkit, Teacher Guide &...
Screenshot for Effective Mentoring Relationships
This 2-page document, adapted from the Minnesota State Executive Development Program, explores mentoring best practices for educators. The document defines successful mentoring, explores the benefits of mentoring for mentors, highlights mentoring experience recommendations, describes possible...
Screenshot for Electrical Engineering Technology Smart Manufacturing Option
This program overview, published by Marion Technical College, describes an Associates of Applied Science degree in Electrical Engineering Technology with an emphasis in Smart Manufacturing. A brief description of the program, length of program, and the program contact are provided. The 2021-2022...
Screenshot for Electronics Engineering Course - General Curriculum Resources
These resources from Louisiana Delta Community College provide an overview of a high school basic electronics course from Project COMPLETE (Controlling, Operating, and Measuring: Pathways for Learners to Engineering Technology Employment). The course is intended for use in a project-based learning...
Screenshot for Electronics Wiring Schematics
This webpage, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is a collection of electronic wiring schematics for electric guitars. Schematics included on this page are: Strat Economy Kit Wiring Diagram, 2 Wire Pickup Diagram, 3 Wire Pickup Diagram, 4 Wire Pickup Diagram, Economy Bass Guitar Kit Wiring...
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