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This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses high-impact and low cost evaluation for small projects. For this webinar, EvaluATE and Mentor-Connect teamed up to provide guidance on evaluation to current and prospective recipients of...
This webinar, published byWestern Michigan University Evaluation Center, explores mistakes made in evaluation plans and how to fix such issues. In the video, Lyssa W. Becho begins with an overview of evaluation and why it is important to include evaluation in a proposal. Next, Becho explores...
This resource, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), features two documents relating to the planning and execution of professional development events. The first document, titled How to Plan and Deliver Successful Professional Development Events, is a 32-page document that...
This course, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, is the first of two project-based courses that provide students with "multidisciplinary instructions, where students can learn about coding, robotics, electronics, and engineering design to create a robotic system."...
This course, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, is a project-based course that is "a continuation of topics covered in iCREAT I to design, develop, and implement a complete programmable robotic system using a systematic approach." The course is part of Massachusetts...
These resources, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, are part of the college's project titled iCREAT: A Pathway to Middle-skill Positions Through the Introduction to Coding, Robotics, Electronics, And Technology. The goal of the project is to create "a pathway to middle-skill...
This webinar, published by Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, introduces impact evaluation and how it can be implemented in ATE projects. Presented by Lyssa W. Becho and Michael Lesiecki, the video covers the basic tenets of impact evaluation, strategies for determining casual...
This 16-page resource, provided by the Center for Occupational Research and Development (U.S.), is a guide for implementing the BILT Model of Business Engagement. "The Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model ... puts businesses in a co-leadership role for college technical programs so they...
This 37-page document, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), is a detailed guide on best practices for implementing and managing the BILT model of business engagement. The BILT model is a more collaborative version of the traditional advisory council that "puts businesses in...
This collection was developed by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) in conjunction with the Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD) to provide a detailed guide for implementing the Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model. The BILT model "puts businesses in a...
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