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The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) has compiled this list of KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) for entry-level IT infrastructure workers in 2023. These KSAs are essential for workers to acquire over a 12-36 month period. Annually, the...
This 154-page resource from the STEM Guitar Project is a guitar design and manufacturing workbook. The resource is divided into the following sections: About Us, Learner Centered Learning Objectives, Science, Math, Electronics, Technology, Wood, and Appendi[ces]. Background information on the STEM...
This collection of documents describe policies for use of the NorthWest Arkansas Community College Integrated Design Lab. These policy documents cover a college-approved tool lending policy, assumption of risk, waiver and release of liability. A survey is also included that was distributed to...
This 14-page paper is provided by MatEdU: National Resource Center for Materials Technology Education and covers "... the integration of materials technology into the overall field of manufacturing." This paper includes the following sections: Abstract, Introduction and Background, Overview of the...
This interactive movie "is an educational tool designed to teach individuals about working in a regulated biomanufacturing environment. It is a story about a fictional biopharmaceutical company, Franklin Biologics, and an imaginary drug, Squabanin. Franklin is a mid-sized contract bioprocessing...
In this video from the ICT Center, learn about interference and diffraction. See how the wave properties of light are used to explain interference patterns on a screen, and learn about related technologies such as the Fabry-Perot cavity, Bragg gratings, interference filters, and antireflection...
This webinar is part of a series of Mindful Mobility Tech Talks hosted by the Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Coalition. In the webinar, Mark Quarto, Rich DeMary, and Chris Quarto introduce the Electrified Vehicle Systems Standards based Training for a level 2 certification, developed by the ...
This webinar is part of a series of Mindful Mobility Tech Talks hosted by the Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Coalition. In the webinar, Mark Quarto, Rich DeMary, and Chris Quarto introduce the Electrified Vehicle Systems Standards based Training for a level 1 certification, developed by the ...
This resource, provided by Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes a lab sheet and video lesson on ellipsometry and the Gaertner Scientific Variable Angle Ellipsometer. The 3-page lab sheet provides necessary background info for students to evaluate...
These resources include a 4-page syllabus and a 3-page course table map for the Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) course taught at Weber State University. "This introductory course presents the fundamental concepts and applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)." In this...
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