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The ATE Impacts book, published every two years by Internet Scout Research Group, showcases all of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Centers and selected nominated projects. The NSF ATE program focuses on the education of highly-qualified science and...
The ATE Impacts book, published every two years by Internet Scout Research Group, showcases all of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) centers and selected nominated projects. The NSF ATE program focuses on the education of highly-qualified science and...
The ATE Impacts book, published every two years by Internet Scout Research Group, showcases all of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) centers and selected nominated projects. The NSF ATE program focuses on the education of highly-qualified science and...
The ATE Outreach Kit, created and published by ATE Central, helps grantees in the ATE community create, enhance, and execute successful outreach efforts. The Outreach Kit is organized into four parts: Planning, Social Media, Communications, and Resources. An overview section is also included. This...
This flowchart from Monroe Community College (MCC) provides an overview of the opportunities at MCC for the completion of the AWS (American Welding Society) SENSE QC-10 Entry-Level Weld program. Completion of the program results in "full certification and maximum credit articulation towards [MCC's]...
This webinar recording, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, covers the "fundamental principles of survey question construction to enhance the validity and utility of survey data." Lori Wingate and Lyssa Wilson Becho from EvaluATE go into detail on...
These resources, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center, include a presentation slide-deck and two surveys from the spring 2023 Innovations conference in Arizona. The presentation covered key strategies and best practices for successfully planning and delivering a professional...
In this webinar from EvaluATE, Lyssa Becho, Sondra Lore, and Lana Rucks distinguish evaluation from research and highlight practical tools optimized for evaluations. Case examples of methods, including evaluative rubrics and ripple effect mapping, are provided. The unique demands of evaluation and...
This handout was developed by the IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond project to provide a quick reference guide to the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) process. The BILT process aims to align curriculum with workforce needs through frequent meetings with employers. This handout includes...
These one-page flyers were developed at the request of member schools in the National Convergence Technology Centers's IT educator community of practice, known as the "CCN" (Convergence College Network), to help support their local high school programs. High school faculty have full schedules and...
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