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This collection of promotional resources, published by Southside Virginia Community College, was used to recruit and retain students for the Center for Information Technology Excellence (CITE) Information Technology (IT) training program, which provides students with hands on IT training while...
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses a five-step claims process for ATE evaluators and PIs. This five-step process includes identifying claims worthy of evaluative investigation; defining how to measure impact in meaningful,...
This resource, from Northern Virginia Community College and Columbus State Community College, provides an overview of a cloud computing degree program. Information on program details, transfer pathways, new course summaries, and more are highlighted.
This resource, from Northern Virginia Community College and Columbus State Community College, provides information on a series of events held to build cloud literacy and other competencies. The cloud computing series; an info sheet about virtual seminars on additive manufacturing, cybersecurity, and...
This resource, provided by Columbus State Community College, provides an overview of the dual enrollment course offerings to high school students. This program provides students with the chance of exploring the foundations of information technology. Three of the courses offered have been updated...
This resource, published by Columbus State Community College, provides an overview of summer camps offered to local high school students, focusing partly on the cloud computing summer camp. The college offers summer camps in engineering, additive manufacturing, robotics, cloud computing, cyber...
This 23-page report, published by University of Colorado Boulder, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Colorado Robosub team for the Explorer Class of the 2024 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges...
This 15-page report, provided by Columbia University, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Columbia University Robotics Club (CURC) team for the Explorer Class of the 2024 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that...
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on commercial building energy systems. The collection is composed of a video and six documents.
In the video, the unique needs of...
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is from the ACE It! series on acing conversations with potential employers by knowing how to advocate for students, inform the employer how to effectively communicate with employees with disabilities, and educate the...
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