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Screenshot for Aerogels
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and introduces students to aerogels. "In this module, students will learn about aerogels and some of the nanoscale phenomena that give aerogels their remarkable properties." Science and nanoscience...
Screenshot for Agribusiness Marketing Curriculum Collection
This collection contains four documents developed by North Georgia Technical College for its Agribusiness Marketing course. This course focuses on various marketing functions, agencies, and institutions which assemble, process, and distribute agricultural commodities and products. Marketing...
Screenshot for Agriculture Programs Recruitment Package
Collection Description These recruitment materials were developed by Wayne Randall and Pat Marcellino from North Georgia Technical College. These materials constitute the recruitment packet that was created by the Modernizing Agriculture Technician Education in Appalachian Northeast Georgia...
This collection of Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) charts is provided by AgrowKnowledge. The DACUM charts were created by a panel of industry professionals, college educators, and AgrowKnowledge. Each chart provides information for one of the following careers: GIS Technician/Analyst, Greenhouse...
Screenshot for Algebots for PC
In this computer game, made available by Borough of Manhattan Community College, users can test their knowledge of algebraic principles. After selecting Play, users are prompted to select from the following topics: Variables on Opposite Sides, Radical Equations, Absolute Value Equations, Quadratic...
Screenshot for Alien Species
This collection, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), focuses on student activities based the impact of invasive species on ecosystems. The first document is a teachers' guide containing a textbook assignment along with instructions for student PowerPoint...
Description:  This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers alternative energy sources. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three...
Module Description: This Overview of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Technologies module consists of a PowerPoint presentation, labs, and syllabus designed to enhance automotive electrical courses with HEV technologies and was developed through seed funding from the Center for Advanced Automotive...
Screenshot for Applied Cryptography Module
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is one of seven learning modules from the Cybersecurity-Infused Computer Science Modules series. This module "focuses on practical aspects of private key and public key cryptography," and the Primary Learning Objectives...
Screenshot for Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House
Part of MIT's innovative OpenCourseWare Project that provides materials from MIT classes to the public on the web, this site describes the course Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essesnce: The Glass House.  Focusing on the topic of compensation for the energy transfer characteristics of...
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