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This lesson, developed by Martha Muir, guides students through a simulation of some of the steps and challenges in isolating uranium, and then asks them to compare the quantity of energy obtained from uranium to the amount of energy obtained from coal. Upon completion of the lesson, students should...
Description: This collection of resources, made available by Riverside Community College, provides information about education for and careers in the Supply Chain Technician field. Included in the collection is a section of resources designed for middle school students, and a section of resources...
Description: This Cartographic Design course, from the National Information, Security & Geospatial Technologies Consortium, is part of a series of model courses on GIS, spatial technologies, and related subjects to provide students with the professional skills necessary to succeed in geospatial...
This lab sequence guides students through the process of converting plant-based fuel sources (biomass) first into sugars then ethanol. "As biomass samples are pretreated, enzymatically digested, and fermented, students use glucose meters and ethanol probes to measure the key products of this...
Screenshot for Cells Learning Module
Module Description: This learning module from the Support Center for Microsystems Education introduces students to the different types of cells, aspects of cell growth, and the types of organelles found within cells. The material focuses on cells in relation to bioMEMS (bio- microelectromechanical...
These resources are provided by Career Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) and include program and course information for certificates offered at Madison Area Technical College. Information is provided for the following certificates: Bioenergy, Wind Energy Technology, Renewable Energy,...
These presentation posters are provided by Career Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) and were created by people involved in the Madison College Honors Program. Posters include project information such as an introduction or objective, experiment methods, discussion and conclusion, and...
These syllabi, provided by Career Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET), are for courses that satisfy credit requirements for the Renewable Energy certificate offered at Madison Area Technical College. A syllabus is included for the following courses: Energy Management, Introduction to...
Description: This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers electronic certifications. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three sections:...
Collection Description: This collection, developed by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes checklists that cover the six types of research discussed in the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development, created by the Institute of Education...
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