Browse Resources

(3 classifications) (6 resources)

Middle School

Education Level Classifications
Grade 6 (333)
Grade 7 (355)
Grade 8 (372)


Screenshot for Earthworm Information
This University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program provides several links to articles on earthworms. These describe the earthworm's importance to ecosystems and agriculture. There is also a section with species profiles of various types of earthworms.
This page from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides links to a number of lesson plans for middle school students. Some of the lessons pertain to manufacturing in the state of Florida, and others would be applicable to a number of science classes,...
This resource from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) will help educators bring music into their classrooms. Everyday items are used including rubber bands, tissue boxes and paperclips. The lesson plan is intended for middle school aged students; the...
Screenshot for Made in Florida: Summer Robotic Camps
This webpage from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides information about the Lego Mindstorms Robotics summer camp for middle and high school students. A short video clip provides information on the focus of the camp (running time: 1:53).
This activity from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FL-ATE) Center asks students to use the concepts of measurement and precision in the context of designing and manufacturing surgical instruments. The interdisciplinary lesson plan involves science, computer technology, math and...
Screenshot for Powers of Ten
"Powers of Ten", the film made by Charles and Ray Eames in 1977, takes the viewer from the core of an atom to the edge of the universe, moving 10 times further every 10 seconds. The film is about scale and how we view the universe and our place in it. Powers of Ten is an extremely valuable tool for...