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(4 classifications) (19 resources)

High School

Education Level Classifications
Grade 10 (1,326)
Grade 11 (1,916)
Grade 12 (2,019)
Grade 9 (1,276)


This page from the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) National Center provides information about the 2013 Building Automation Systems workshop. Additionally, an archive of downloadable materials from the 2009 California Community Colleges Energy Efficiency and HVAC Symposium is...
This page from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides links to a number of lesson plans for high school students. Some of the lessons pertain to manufacturing in the state of Florida, and others would be applicable to a number of science classes,...
Screenshot for Gender Differences in Confidence Levels, Group Interactions, and Feelings about Competition in an Introductory Robotics Course
This 8-page classroom evaluation, authored by Elissa Milto, Chris Rogers, and Merredith Portsmore of Tufts University, addresses gender differences between students in a college introduction to engineering class. As summarized in the abstract, "The aim of this classroom evaluation was to gain a...
This paper by P.J. Shull, of the Department of Engineering at Pennsylvania State University, covers the use of hands-on laboratory experiments in engineering mathematics education. The study includes experiment procedures, results, and a conclusion.
Screenshot for Lecture 4: Construction of Optical Fiber
This video, from the Laser and Fiber Optics Regional Center, is the fourth lecture in a series of seven on fiber optics. Narrated by Dr. Mo Hasanovic, Professor of Electronics Engineering Technology at Indian River State College, this lecture covers topics related to the construction of optical...
Screenshot for Made in Florida: College Student Profiles
This web page from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) features profiles of community and technical college students. Several nontraditional students are also profiled. Each narrative includes information on the student's chosen program of study and their...
Screenshot for Made in Florida: High School Student Profiles
This web page from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) features profiles of students who started their technical educations while still in high school. Each narrative includes information on the student's particular experiences and their thoughts. Each...
Screenshot for Made in Florida: Interviews
This web page from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) includes interviews with individuals working in manufacturing in the state of Florida. The companies they work for, their job specifics and the schooling and skills required for their careers are...
Screenshot for Made in Florida: Summer Robotic Camps
This webpage from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides information about the Lego Mindstorms Robotics summer camp for middle and high school students. A short video clip provides information on the focus of the camp (running time: 1:53).
Screenshot for Made in Florida: Videos
This webpage from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) features two videos which will help students understand the manufacturing of products domestically. Specifically, the videos focus on products made in the state of Florida. More than 16,000 companies and...
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