Contemporary Wireless Technology

This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers contemporary wireless technology. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into four sections: Content, Knowledge Probes, Learning Activities, and Research.
The Content section includes five PDF documents that cover the following topics: Access and Duplexing; Cell Phone Technologies; Short Range Wireless Technologies; Cell Phones, Wireless Local Area Networks, and Short-Range Radio; and Wireless Local Access Networks.
Five Knowledge Probes are included in this learning module. The Knowledge probes include learning objectives and a short quiz. Each Knowledge Probe corresponds to a topic covered in the Content section.
The Learning Activities section includes a lab and one performance assessment. The drill-down report lab includes the following sections: Learning Objectives, Introduction, Performance and Task Procedures, Deliverables, and more. The performance assessment includes 72-multiple choice questions.
A 1-page reference PDF document is also included.
For orientation purposes The Cellular Telephone System.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Contemporary Wireless Technology (18 files, 18.4 MB)
- Content
- Access and Duplexing (Access and Duplexing.pdf 4.3 MB)
- Cell Phone Technologies (Cell Phone Technologies.pdf 1.7 MB)
- Short Range Wireless Technologies (Short Range Wireless Technologies.pdf 4 MB)
- Cell Phones, Wireless Local Area Networks, and Short-Range Radio (The Cellular Telephone System.pdf 6.2 MB)
- Wireless Local Access Networks (Wireless Local Access Networks.pdf 1.7 MB)
- Knowledge Probes
- The Cellular Telephone System (kp1q.pdf 50 KB)
- Access and Duplexing (kp2q.pdf 54 KB)
- Cell Phone Technologies (kp3q.pdf 53 KB)
- Wireless Local Area Networks (kp4q.pdf 52 KB)
- Short Range Wireless Technologies (kp5q.pdf 52 KB)
- Learning Activities
- Drill-down reports: Contemporary Wireless (drilldown_01.pdf 70 KB)
- Performance assessment: Contemporary Wireless (performance_assessment.pdf 102 KB)
- Research
- Contemporary Wireless Web References (web_references.pdf 11 KB)
- Contemporary Wireless Web References (web_references.pdf 11 KB)
About this Resource
