Making Evaluation Integral to Your ATE Proposal

This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses making evaluation a central focus of an ATE proposal. The webinar provides instruction on how to: "focus an ATE evaluation, develop a plan for data collection and analysis, describe the evaluation in a proposal, and work with an evaluator." Webinar objectives include: Locate and establish a working relationship with an evaluator, sharpen the focus of your project's evaluation, identify the elements of a coherent and feasible evaluation plan, present your evaluation plan as a integral part of your proposal, and connect with others interested in ATE evaluation.
The webinar recording runs 1:29:35 minutes in length. Supplemental materials include PDF webinar slides and a 1-page PDF handout. The handout includes information and additional resources on the following documents: working with an evaluator, focusing on evaluation, generating an evaluation plan, and describing the evaluation in your proposal.
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