ATEP Materials and Manufacturing Module A Course


This course, created by the Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP) project, provides an overview of design for manufacturing and the Informed Design Cycle. Each section of the course includes resources related to the instruction topic. This includes videos, quizzes, assignments, teacher notes, labs, and section standards. The course is divided into eleven sections:

  • Welcome to Module A - Design for Manufacturing
  • Eight Phases of the Informed Design Cycle
  • Phase 1 Clarifying the Problem: Specifications and Co.
  • Phase 2 Research and Investigate
  • Phase 3 Generate Alternative Designs
  • Phase 4 Choose and Justify the Optimal Solution
  • Phase 5 Develop a Prototype
  • Phase 6 Test and Evaluate
  • Phase 7 Redesign the Solution
  • Phase 8 Communicate Your Achievements
  • Getting Ready for Production

The attached file is a Moodle backup file (.mbz), designed to be uploaded and accessed through a Learning Management System (LMS). 

Moodle backup files include:

  • Settings, such as course format, theme, course completion settings, and settings for assignments and quizzes
  • Resources, such as files, folders, and pages
  • and Activities, such as assignments, quizzes and quiz questions, and questionnaires
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