Collaborative Research Promotional Materials

This collection, provided by the project Collaborative Research: Enhancing Hands-on Interactive Learning in Process Technology Programs with New Low-Cost Miniature Industrial Equipment, contains promotional materials. It includes posters presented at the 2017 HI-TECH Conference in Salt Lake City, brochures distributed at conferences, a lab kit handout, and multiple power point presentations. One power point presentation was used to disseminate information about the Collaborative Research project to workshop attendees at the North American Process Technology Alliance -- Instructors Skills Conference and at the Alaska Association of Career and Technical Education.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Promotional Material (6 files 102.8 MB)
- Low Cost Miniature Industrial Equipment [LCMIE] (2017 LCMIE Workshop Presentation.pptx 49.9 MB)
- Demonstration of Low Cost, Desktop, Hans-on Working Process Models (Demonstration of Low Cost, Desktop, Hands-on Working Process Models Handout.docx 16.5 MB)
- Portable Hands-on Interactive Learning (HITEC Full ATE Project Banner-Poster copy 2.pptx 8.4 MB)
- Portable Hands-on Interactive Learning (Poster_PI_Conference_2016_Final.pdf 1 MB)
- PRT Process Model Kit Inventory Form (PRT Lab Kit Handout.pdf 936 KB)
- Portable Hands-on Learning Tri-Fold Brochure (Tri-Fold Brochure 2.pdf 26.1 MB)
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