Strong Evaluation Plans = Stronger Proposals

Collection Description:
This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes a webinar recording and related resources that cover the elements of an ATE proposal's evaluation component and how to use it to strengthen a submission. Webinar objectives include the following: meet the evaluation requirement of the proposal, utilize evaluation to help meet the goals and objectives of the proposed project, understand the data management plan - an ATE proposal requirement, and create a stronger proposal.
Collection Contents:
This collection includes a webinar recording that runs 1:29:55 minutes in length, PDF webinar slides, and three PDF handouts. One handout provides additional resources on the following topics: Evaluation Plans for ATE Proposals: Helpful Hints and Fatal Flaws, Sample Evaluation Products, Find an Evaluator, Data Management Plans, and More on Proposal Development. The other handouts provide recommendations for writing better evaluation sections in ATE proposals.
For orientation purposes the Slides_2011_Proposals.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Strong Evaluation Plans Stronger Proposals (4 files, 3.5 MB)
- 10 Helpful Hints and 10 Fatal Flaws Expanded (Doc_2011_10Hints10Flaws-expanded.pdf 225 KB)
- 10 Helpful Hints and 10 Fatal Flaws Short Version (Doc_2011_10Hints10Flaws-short.pdf 201 KB)
- Strong Evaluation Plans = Stronger Proposals (Handout_2011_Proposals.pdf 460 KB)
- Strong Evaluation Plans = Stronger Proposals Webinar Slides (Slides_2011_Proposals.pdf 2.6 MB)
About this Resource
