This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses high-impact and low cost evaluation for small projects. For this webinar, EvaluATE and Mentor-Connect teamed up to provide guidance on evaluation to current and prospective recipients of small Advanced Technological Education (ATE) awards or to anyone that needs to produce a meaningful and useful evaluation for a small-scale project. More specifically, the webinar covers the following topics: the National Science Foundation (NSF) ATE program, broadening the base of community colleges involved in ATE, proposal success rates, tips for ATE small grants, cost-saving strategies, evaluation questions, interpret findings, ATE program goals, and more. 

The webinar recording that runs 1:18:28 minutes in length. Supplemental materials include PDF webinar slides and a 1-page PDF handout. The handout provides information and resources on the following topics: focus the evaluation-logic models help, track engagement, create a project fact sheet or resume, use secondary data, and share responsibility. 

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