ENGT 1200 - Intro to Industrial and Systems Engineering

Course Description
This collection, provided by Columbus State Community College, includes class materials for ENGT 1200: Intro to Industrial and Systems Engineering. This fifteen week course covers a variety of topics including organizational effectiveness, the PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) approach to continuous improvement; process analysis; affinity diagrams; flow chart palettes; Just-in-Time (JIT) Demand Pull System; lean tools & techniques; time & motion studies; work design & ergonomics; and safety.
Course Contents
This collection contains a topic schedule and a week-by-week unit of instruction guide. In addition, the file contains a 76-page midterm test review packet. The Assignments folder contains a number of course assignments and the Lecture folder contains slide decks for class lectures.
For orientation purposes ENGT 1200 in Units of Instruction format.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type off material included in this course.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
ENGT 1200 (59.3 MB, 30 files)
- Assignments
- After Quiz Assignment (After-quiz Assignment(6).pdf 61 KB)
- Assignment 3 (Assignment 3(7).pdf 107 KB)
- Assignment 4 (Assignment 4(2).pdf 68 KB)
- Assignment 4 (Assignment 5(4).pdf 72 KB)
- Assignment 6 (Assignment 6(3).pdf 71 KB)
- Assignment 7 (Assignment 7.pdf 62 KB)
- Assignment 8 (Assignment 8(1).pdf 57 KB)
- Assignment 9 (Assignment 9(2).pdf 64 KB)
- Assignment 10 (Assignment 10(3).pdf 48 KB)
- Assignment 11 (Assignment 11(1).pdf 47 KB)
- ENGT 1200 topic schedule (ENGT 1200 topic schedule(1).pdf 62 KB)
- Assignment 1 & 2 (Week 1 Assignment 1 & 2 2017(2).pdf 81 KB)
- ENGT 1200 Unit of Instruction (ENGT 1200 in Units of Instruction format.pdf 149 KB)
- ENGT 1200 Midterm Test Review (ENGT 1200 Midterm Test Review 2017.pdf 5.9 MB)
- ENG 1200 Topic Schedule (ENGT 1200 topic schedule(1).pdf 81 KB)
- Lectures
- Lecture 1: ISE Introduction (Lecture 1 ISE Introduction, Focus & Overview(1).pptx 11.1 MB)
- Lecture 2: History of the Lean Machine (Lecture 2. History of the Lean Machine, Selecting & Sequencing(2).pptx 2.8 MB)
- Lecture 3: Process Analysis (Lecture 3 _ Process Analysis(2).pptx 7.6 MB)
- Lecture 4: Lean, Kaizen, and the 8 Forms of Muda Waste (Lecture 4 Lean, Kaizen and 8 Forms of Muda(3).pptx 2.1 MB)
- Lecture 5: Value Stream Mapping & Function Analysis (Lecture 5 Value Stream Mapping & Function Analysis(2).pptx 2.7 MB)
- Lecture 6: Standardization Tools (Lecture 6 Visual factory, Poka Yoke, 5s(3).pptx 6.3 MB)
- Lecture 9: An Introduction and History of Quality (Lecture 9 An Introduction and History of Quality(1).pptx 758 KB)
- Lecture 10: TQM & Managing the Supply Chain (Lecture 10 TQM and Supply Chain Management(1).pptx 4.3 MB)
- Lecture 11: CSCC AQIP Toolkit (Lecture 11 CSCC TOOL KIT ENGT1200.pptx 6.6. MB)
- Lecture 12: Histograms (Lecture 12 Histograms.pptx 2.5 MB)
- Lecture 13: Pareto Lecture (13 Pareto Diagrams, Bar Charts, & Scatter Diagrams.pptx 3.6 MB)
- Lecture 14: Cause & Effect Diagrams (Lecture 14 Cause & Effect Diagrams.pptx 2 MB)
About this Resource
