
This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes a webinar recording and related material that discusses elements of a successful evaluation plan in a grant proposal. This webinar "explain[s] the essential elements of an effective evaluation plan and show[s] you how to incorporate them into a proposal for the Nation Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program." The evaluation plan should include information on the following elements: a project's evaluator, evaluation question, data, communication and use, and a timeline. The webinar goes into detail about each element and discusses related materials that can help develop the plan.


The collection includes a webinar recording that runs 55:41 minutes in length, PDF webinar slides, a 4-page webinar follow up handout, and five related templates and checklists intended to aid in the development of an evaluation plan. The related documents include Evaluation Plan Checklist for ATE Proposals, Evaluation Data Matrix Template, ATE Proposal Evaluation Plan Template,  Evaluator Biographical Sketch Template, and Finding and Selecting an Evaluator.

For orientation purposes EvaluATE-August-2018-slides-1.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

Evaluation Plan (8 files, 9.8 MB)

  • Evaluation Plan Checklist for ATE Proposals (Checklist-EvalPlan-2019-1.pdf 126 KB)
  • Evaluation Data Matrix Template (eval-matrix-2017.pdf 150 KB)
  • ATE Proposal Evaluation Plan Template (eval-plan-template-3.pdf 84 KB)
  • Give Your Proposal a Competitive Edge with a Great Evaluation Plan Webinar Slides (EvaluATE-August-2018-slides-1.pdf 8.8 MB)
  • Evaluator Biographical Sketch Template for National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposals (evaluator-biosketch-template.pdf 110 KB)
  • Finding and Selecting an Evaluator for Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Proposals (finding-and-selecting-an-evaluator.pdf 143 KB)
  • Webinar Follow-Up (Webinar-Questions-Answered-Post-Event.pdf 406 KB)
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