Unit 2: Working with Logic Controllers

Unit Description:
This teaching unit from Louisiana Delta Community College is part of a high school basic electronics course from Project COMPLETE (Controlling, Operating, and Measuring: Pathways for Learners to Engineering Technology Employment). The course is intended for use in a project-based learning environment. Unit 2 provides information on electrical circuits and working with logic controllers. Topics covered include: equivalent resistance, parallel circuits, Kirchhoff's Voltage Law, Kirchhoff's Current Law, multimeters, and more. The other six units from the course cover additional topics related to electronics and are available to view separately.
Unit Contents:
This unit includes ten PowerPoint presentations, a test and test key, a worksheet, and two graphic organizers.
The presentations are each dedicated to an individual topic for the unit and are labeled according to the order in which they are to be presented. The test and test key cover the assessment questions and answers for this unit. The worksheet provides students with practice in hand circuit problems. The graphic organizers provide unit concepts and definitions; as well as terms, notation, formulas, and diagrams.
For orientation purposes the 05a_SeriesAndParallelCircuits_20190801.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this unit.
Below is a list of the files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Unit 2-Working with Logic Controllers (15 files, 142.5 MB)
- Getting Started With Arduino (04a_GettingStartedWithArduino.pptx 3.4 MB)
- Serial Monitor and For Statements (04c_SerialMonitorAndForStatements.pptx 2.1 MB)
- Blink LEDs and For Loops (04d_BlinkLEDsAndForLoops.pptx 10.3 MB)
- RGB LEDs (04e_RGBLEDs_19Jan_MN.pptx 14.3 MB)
- Equivalent Resistance Practice (05a_Equivalent_Resistance_Practice.pptx 157 KB)
- Series and Parallel Circuits (05a_SeriesAndParallelCircuits_20190801.pptx 2.9 MB)
- Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (05b_KirchhoffsVoltageLaw_20190809.pptx 69 MB)
- Kirchhoff's Current Law (05c_KirchhoffsCurrentLaw_20190809.pptx 29.6 MB)
- Troubleshooting Your Multimeter (05d_TroubleshootingYourMultimeter_20190801.pptx 9 MB)
- Combination Circuits Practice (05e Combination Circuits Practice.pptx 531 KB)
- Hard Circuit Problems (Hard Circuit Problems.docx 598 KB)
- Unit 2 Graphic Organizer - Ans (Unit 2 Graphic Organizer - Ans.docx 60 KB)
- Unit 2 Graphic Organizer (Unit 2 Graphic Organizer.docx 40 KB)
- Unit 2 Test (Unit 2 Test - New.docx 239 KB)
- Unit 2 Test Key (Unit 2 Test Key.docx 239 KB)
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